At Emmaus Road, we believe that God entrusts children to us to nurture and disciple in the faith. Therefore, children are welcome to remain with the congregation during the entire service; if you need to walk around with an infant in the back, feel free to do so. On non-communion Sundays, the children are invited to come forward for a Children’s Sermon. On communion Sundays we encourage parents to bring children forward who do not yet take communion to receive prayer. We following ministries are also available:
The nursery is available for infants and toddlers who are under 2 years old.
First Steps
Children ages 3-6 may attend the First Steps class during the sermon, where they will learn about the big picture of the Bible through the Show Me Jesus curriculum.
Kids ages 7-11 may attend the Foundations class during the sermon time on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. It is located at the end of hallway on the left. They will be going through the New City Catechism curriculum.
Emmaus Road Girls Youth Group
The Youth Group meets every other Tuesday. We welcome all youth girls in 6th-12th grades to join us for snacks, worship, teaching, and games.
When: 6:30-8:30pm every other Tuesday evening
Where: The Borden Home, 583 Wisconsin Ave, Neenah